Pastor’s Update
Advent Worship Reflection
Siblings in Christ! I have shared two trailers during our Advent worship that express how music is and has been used to overcome oppression and injustice. I will continue to show trailers in worship to three more documentaries which I pray you have begun to watch. I...
“What Women Couldn’t Do” – Moments in HERstory
The following list is of NINE things a woman couldn't do in 1971 - yes the date is correct, 1971. In 1971 a woman could not: 1. Get a Credit Card in her own name - it wasn't until 1974 that a law forced credit card companies to issue cards to women without their...
June 3, 2020
Over the past three weeks we have witnessed and learned of assaults on black and brown persons by police officers, and private assaults unreported by police officers. These nationally publicized acts caused an outpouring of grief and anger at the ongoing systemic...
Creation’s God
A sermon by Rev. Pamela Kurtz, Pastor (4/26/2020) This sermon is the second reflecting on Earth Day, begun last week with Tom Huetteman (found here). On June 22, 1969, the Cuyahoga River on the southern shores of Lake Erie caught on fire as chemicals, oil, and other...
Our Christian Calling to Care for the Earth
A sermon by Tom Huetteman, lay member of Lake Merritt UMC (4/19/20) The famous Astronomer, Galileo, some 400 years ago said that “mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe.” And I think it is true that one of the ways God communicates with us...
Covid-19 Lenten Season Blog
Blog 1 - A New Reality - click here to open
Pastor’s Message: Fall 2019
I’ve been thinking lately about what feels like a ‘new’ normal, even if it’s not all that ‘new.’ It is this concept that everyone is ‘so busy.’ A couple of ways I hear this mantra is, “You’re so busy, I hate to ask….” and “I know we’re all busy….” I wonder if we’ve...