Calendar & Events
Upcoming Events
Please read ALL of the ANNOUNCEMENTS!
Meal Train and Home Recovery Support
Children and Youth Ministry Family Outing
February 17th
On February 17th, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, we’re planning a farm outing for children and youth families at Lulu’s farm! We’ll enjoy a farm tour, visit with animals, and have a great time of fellowship. We’ll meet at the farm. Please reach out to Lulu for the address. To RSVP, please email Lulu at
Ash Wednesday Self Guided Prayer Walk
Wednesday, March 5th
On Ash Wednesday, March 5th, we will observe the first day of the Lenten season with a self guided prayer walk available in our Sanctuary. The Sanctuary will be open from 1:00 to 2:00 and from 5:30 to 6:30. There will be five stations with the reflection topics of Dirt, Brokenness, Ashes, Water, and Permission. While you can walk the stations at any pace, we do think they will have more impact if you go through them in order, one through five. Of course, ultimately the path you take is up to you; this prayer walk is intended to be a self paced, self-guided experience designed to meet you where you are. We hope to see you there.
If you are unable to participate in person on Ash Wednesday, we are offering a package of items that will allow you to take part in a modified experience at home. Please let Laurel Williams know by Sunday, February 23rd, if you would like one of these packages created for you. You will be able to pick it up at church on Sunday, March 2nd, or during office hours (10-2) on March 3rd and 4th, or we can make arrangements to mail it to you. Laurel may be reached at or 510-715-4109.
Laity Convocation 2025
Saturday, February 22, 9am-3pm
Are you a new laity leader at your church and wondering where do I begin? You are invited to explore the answer to this and more at the California-Nevada Laity Convocation being held on Saturday, February 22, 2025 from 9am-3pm. The event will be held at the California-Nevada Conference Center, 1350 Halyard Drive, Sacramento, CA 95691. There are in person and virtual options. The registration deadline is 2/15. For registration or other information please contact: Tyree Johnson at (650) 270-6678 or
Dear President Trump: Letter from the United Methodist Council of Bishops
Please see the letter from the United Methodist Council of Bishops to President Trump. The letter can be found here.
Know Your Rights Cards
Rev. J. Martin Lee, California-Nevada Conference, Executive Director of Connectional Ministries, has shared the updated “Know Your Rights” cards with the conference. You can find the English version here. For questions or more information please contact: Rev. J. Martin Lee at
Ways to Support Those Impacted by the Los Angeles Fires
3. Donate to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) for its disaster relief for all the California fires. Donate here.
4. Send donations of e-gift cards (amazon, target, grubhub. etc.) to These will be given to community members who lost their homes and belongings.
5. Donate directly to the church in Pacific Palisades. The funds will be used to help people who lost their homes cover immediate expenses and for the church’s eventual reconstruction. Donate here.
Respond Reaffirming Sanctuary: Day of Remembrance Vigil
Wednesday, February 19, at 11 AM
At a time of mass enforcement actions threatening to separate families, faith communities must lead with courage. Sanctuary is an ancient and sacred tradition across many faiths—one of accompaniment, protection, and solidarity. This interfaith prayer and ritual will reaffirm sanctuary and uplift the legacy of Japanese immigrants and Japanese American families who, in 1942, were forcibly separated and relocated to incarceration camps. Due to expected heavy rain, the event originally scheduled for this Thursday has been postponed to next Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Contact Rose Lynn (626.695.0687) if you would like to carpool. Note: vehicle transport between the two church locations for those who prefer not to process but want to be a presence. All are welcome. The event will be held at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 1111 O’Farrell St., San Francisco. RSVP NOW:
If you would like to submit an announcement for our weekly e-blast, please adhere to the guidelines found here. All submissions are due Wednesday by noon.