Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Son

In Short Stories by Jesus, Amy-Jill Levine examines the parables of the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son (Luke 15:4–32) through a historical and Jewish lens. She challenges traditional Christian interpretations that frame these as simple stories of repentance and divine mercy.

The first two parables in Luke 15, one of one hundred and then one of ten is lost. Yet in the third parable there are only two sons and the father is convinced that the younger, the prodigal is the one who is lost and in many respects he is correct. However, he finds at the end of the parable that the son who is in fact “lost” is the elder. The father, with only two sons, was unable to count correctly.

The first two parables, fasting and rejoicing end the story. In the third parable, the fasting and rejoicing are left behind as the desperate father tries to make his family whole. Levine highlights in her book that perhaps the lesson we learn is our need to take count of those in our families, and in our communities of those who are missing. Who is missing? Who needs to be found? Join us.

Sunday worship begins at 10:15AM.

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February 16th, 2025

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Upcoming Sundays

The Short Stories of Jesus


February 16, 2025

Lost Sheep, Los Coin, Lost Son

Luke 15:4-32


February 23, 2025

The Good Samaritan

Luke 10:25-37


March 9, 2025

The Pearl of Great Price

Matthew 13:45-46