Climate Justice:
What’s at Stake?
Welcome to the second Sunday of our Climate Justice worship series! Dr. Tremwel kicked off the Climate Justice worship series last Sunday when we were informed, inspired, challenged, and charged to move into action to rescue God’s beloved creation. This Sunday, we have our own conferences’ Climate Justice Task Force committee chair, Rev. Sharon Delgado, blessing us with a video-recorded sermon from her home in Nevada.
Jesus said: “You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky.” (You can predict the weather by looking). “But,” he said, “you cannot interpret the signs of the times.” – Matthew 16:3
Rev. Sharon Delgado writes, “Earth’s changing climate is one of the major signs of our times, but most of us have not yet come to terms with its profound implications. This summer, as heat records are being shattered and weather-related disasters are taking place all over the world, we will squarely face what is at stake with climate change. As followers of Jesus, it’s not OK for us to fall prey to denial or disinformation or dogma, or despair. Rather, we are invited to speak the truth and hear the truth and face the truth in love.”
She continues to write, “We are at a critical juncture in the history of life on earth, a time of danger and a time of choice. Scientists say that it is in this decade that we must act. We can continue along the present course, or we can repent, seek to discern God’s will, and take action under the Spirit’s guidance. We can work together to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to climate change, foster the earth’s regenerative ability to sequester carbon, and transform the systems that cause climate change.”
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God the Sculptor of the Mountains
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
God of the Sparrow, God of the Whale
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