“Zaccheus at the IRS”
This Sunday, my sermon, “Zacchaeus at the IRS” will be a “first person” retelling of Luke’s account of the encounter of Jesus with a tax collector in Jericho. I am looking forward to having a little fun in becoming this minor character and sharing with you the light that he sheds on the meaning and nature of this Jesus who keeps on reaching out to the most unlikely recipients of grace: people like you and me. –Pastor Dale
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2024 January – February Worship Series
Fierce Love
Inspired by the tenets of ubuntu—the Zulu phrase, “I am who I am because we are who we are”, that we are each impacted by the circumstances that impact those around us, and that the world won’t get better until we all get better. In her book, Fierce Love, Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis shares her own experience, of being the first female and first Black minister in her church’s history, of being in an interracial marriage, and of making peace with childhood abuse – illustrates that our human capacity for empathy and forgiveness is the key to reverse a world divided and broken.She lays out the nine daily practices in her book for breaking through tribalism and engineering the change we seek but in our worship, we will reflect on six practices. From downsizing our emotional baggage to speaking truth to power to fueling our activism with joy, it demonstrates the power of small, morally courageous steps to heal our own lives, and our larger communities.
Sharing stories that trace her personal reckoning with racism as well as the arc of her journey to an inclusive and service-driven faith, Dr. Lewis shows that kindness, compassion, and inclusive thinking are muscles that can be exercised and strengthened. She says, Fiercely Love! Love! Period!
Feb 4, 2024 | Black History Month
Find Joy Purposefully! It is the Water of life!
Feb 11, 2024
Have Faith in Love! Love is the way! Period!