Please read ALL of the ANNOUNCEMENTS!
Ash Wednesday Taizé Service
5 p.m. Wednesday, February 14
Join us for an early evening Ash Wednesday Taizé service to begin the season of Lent. The imposition of ashes is a reminder of God’s grace as we come into the presence of the One who is always forgiving, always merciful, always compassionate, always loving.
Super Bowl Sacking Cold Challenge
Warm Clothing Drive
While we all huddle in our homes as we are hit by storm after storm, let’s help our neighbors stay warm as part of our Lake Lunches. For the next two Sundays, February 4th & 11th, please bring in warm clothing, sox, hats and mittens, and hand warmers to church. We will have a shelf set up to receive all donations. You may also bring in items to the documentary screening of “A Rising Tide” on Thursday, February 15th.
Film Screening of Local Documentary on Homelessness
6 p.m. Thursday, February 15
Virginia Turner’s 100th birthday celebration
February 18th after worship
You are cordially invited to Virginia Turner’s 100th birthday celebration! Join us after worship on February 18 in the Stark Fellowship Hall.