“The Soldiers”


We continue our Lenten journey at the cross reflecting the witnesses’ stories at Jesus’ crucifixion.  These witnesses help us spend time with Jesus’ suffering on the cross.  This Sunday, we hear slightly different stories of the soldiers from each gospel.  What was their witness?  I wonder how their job impacted their lives.  One of the soldiers, Centurion, at the cross claims, “Truly, this was the Son of God!”

Hearing their witnesses and experience of Jesus’ crucifixion invite us not only to remember Jesus’ sacrificial love on the cross but invite us to pick up the stories ourselves and allow it to shape us into the future.  Come, friends, join us!  We invite you to be witness of the Cross.

Join us in person or via Zoom, Facebook or YouTube Live.

Sunday service begins at 10:15AM.

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Meeting ID: 857 5589 2415

Passcode: 326043

Dial the number below then, when asked, dial the meeting ID & Password provided.

1(669) 900-6833

To join Sunday Worship via Facebook, log onto your Facebook account and search for the ‘Lake Merritt United Methodist Church’ page or click here.

To watch the live stream of our service on YouTube, click here.

2024 Lent Worship Series

Witness at the Cross

March 3, 2024 

The Soldiers
John 19:23-24
Luke 23:47




March 10, 2024 

The Beloved Disciple
John 13:23
John 19:26-27




March 17, 2024 

The Women
Mark 15:40-41




March 24, 2024   |   Palm / Passion Sunday

Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus
Mark 15:42-46




March 29, 2024   |   Good Friday

7 p.m. Tenebrae Taizé service




March 31, 2024   |   Easter Sunday

Easter and Membership Celebration
Mark 16:1-8