Pentecost Merger Celebration of Lake Park and Lake Merritt UMC
Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples – when they see the love you have for each other.”
– John 13:34-35
We rejoice that God has moved the hearts of Lake Park UMC and Lake Merritt UMC so that we may now weave our futures together as one church on Pentecost Sunday. We will begin our new chapter as a new Lake Merritt United Methodist Church.
You will hear four stories of our two churches and our own Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño will preach the sermon and bless our merger. Bay District Superintendent Rev. Sun Hee Kim will be joining and leading with us. Immediately after the service, you are invited to take a church photo in front of the church on Lakeshore Ave. Then we will celebrate our merger with a great fellowship over a BBQ lunch. Friends, come and witness this historic new beginning of our churches. Amen.
Sunday worship begins at 10:15AM.
Join us in person in our sanctuary or watch online via Zoom, Facebook or YouTube Live.
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Passcode: 326043
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