
Confirmation Sunday

Have you ever noticed how the large Tiffany Panels in the sanctuary sparkle?  Depending on the viewing angle, lighting situation, and time of day, these 17 foot tall mosaics show different brilliant, shimmering colors.  In other words, the Panels are iridescent.

Our scripture passage for this Sunday explores the prophet Jeremiah’s position and call into ministry.  While Jeremiah initially declined his call to prophetic witness, recognizing only his own inexperience, God called for all of Jeremiah’s contradictory facets, being resilient but sensitive, privileged but vulnerable, and smart but afraid.  God called on Jeremiah to use all of himself to speak words of grave concern for many, but also to bring soaring visions of healing and liberation, depending on the moment.

This Sunday, let us reflect on what it means to be an iridescent people, ones who shimmer brilliantly, in different ways at different times.  Let us consider what it means to bear witness to one another’s light, and how we may shine as a people of God.


Sunday worship begins at 10:15AM.

Join us in person in our sanctuary or watch online via Zoom, Facebook or YouTube Live.


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Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 857 5589 2415
Passcode: 326043
Or dial the following number: 1(669) 900-6833.
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May/June Special Sundays


June 2, 2024

Defined by Generosity
Proverbs 11:24-25, 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Stewardship Program




June 9, 2024

The Reign/Rain of God
Romans 8:38-39
Guest speaker: Rev. Mike Friedrich, Deacon




June 16, 2024

Annual Conference Report
“Following Jesus,” Matthew 16:13-17
Sue Dickey, Lay Delegate to the ACS
Laurel Williams, Lay Leader and Lay Delegate to the ACS
Rev. Sunae Cho, Pastor