Locked Up in Our Own Devices

This summer, we begin our new worship series which will focus on finding freedom through 12-Step Spirituality from Alcoholics Anonymous. The New Testament calls it salvation (Sozo), healing, wellness, and wholeness, and the 12-Step program calls it recovery.

Franciscan Father and theologian Richard Rohr writes in his book, Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps, “We are all addicts. Human beings are addictive by nature. Addiction is a modern name and honest description for what the biblical tradition called ‘sin,’ and medieval Christians called ‘attachments.’ Substance addictions like alcohol and drugs are merely the most visible form of addiction, but actually we are all addicts…” (p. 22).

Through the story of the Prodigal Son, Jesus tells this story for a much more startling point. He was redefining what it means to be lost. Listening to the two brothers’ story in the Prodigal Son, and also the father’s story, we see that we can be lost, and we can also be found.  The only requirement for being found or receiving the forgiveness, healing, and life-giving grace of God is to know that we need it.

Do you need it?  Come and join us as we begin this important step to find freedom through 12-Step Spirituality.


Sunday worship begins at 10:15AM.

Join us in person in our sanctuary or watch online via Zoom, Facebook or YouTube Live.


Bulletin Link


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Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85755892415
Meeting ID: 857 5589 2415
Passcode: 326043
Or dial the following number: 1(669) 900-6833.
When prompted, enter the meeting ID & passcode above.

To join Sunday Worship via Facebookclick here and look for the live video at the top of the page.

To watch the livestream of our service on YouTube, click here.


Upcoming Sundays


12-Step Spirituality for Everyone Who Struggles


July 7, 2024

Locked Up in Our Own Devices
Luke 15:11-32
Rev. Sunae Cho, Lead Pastor




July 14, 2024

Romans 7:15-24




July 21, 2024

Desperate Desiring
Mark 10:46-52




July 28, 2024

Sweet Surrender
Matthew 4:18-22




August 4, 2024

Daring to Face Ourselves
Lamentations 3:40, Matthew 26:41