An Alternative Mind

Step 11 of the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous takes us deeper into our spirituality as participants are encouraged to connect with a higher power. For many people of faith, their higher power is God. For others, their higher power is a higher purpose, a source of strength, or another power greater than themselves.

The encounter with God / a power greater than ourselves does not leave us the same, it changes us! Join us this Sunday as the Rev. Jeff Kunkel shares the penultimate message in our sermon series on the 12 steps.


Sunday worship begins at 10:15AM.

Join us in person in our sanctuary or watch online via Zoom, Facebook or YouTube Live.


Bulletin Link

September 29, 2024


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Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 879 9397 9913
Passcode: 326043
Or dial the following number: 1(669) 900-6833.
When prompted, enter the meeting ID & passcode above.

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To watch the livestream of our service on YouTube, click here.


Upcoming Sundays


12-Step Spirituality



October 6, 2024  |  World Communion Sunday

Pass It On!
Luke 13:10-17, Mark 5:19