“R.E.S.P.E.C.T., find out what it means to me,” so sang Aretha Franklin. And she convinced us that it means a lot. Sometimes we think having respect means to agree or be the same. But that is not actually the depth of what respect is about. It comes from the Latin respectus which means “the act of looking at one often, to consider, to observe.” We are called to respect by tending to one another–regarding each other, considering each other–early and often. As we live on uncommon ground (because the reality is that common ground is sometimes not possible), what can we do to keep tending to one another as “kin” worthy of respect despite our differences? – Worship Design Studio “Do Unto Others” Worship series
Rev. Mary Elyn Bahlert is preaching this Sunday. Join us!
Sunday worship begins at 10:15AM.
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Upcoming Sundays
Do Unto Others
November 10, 2024
November 17, 2024