Please read ALL of the ANNOUNCEMENTS!
Pastor Sunae Attending the Conference Core Team Retreat
January 10th to 11th
Pastor Sunae is attending the Conference Core Team Retreat with Bishop Olewine and leaders of Cal-Nev Annual Conference as a Convener of the Leadership Development Mission Focus Area. She is asking for your prayers for the Conference strategic leadership gathering.
Youth Gatherings
January 12th & 26th
Cooking Up Solidarity:
Cooking Class Series and Fundraiser
Please join Friends of Wadi Foquin and Adam Manasra to cook, eat, and talk about food, culture, solidarity, and the taste of home.
Cost: $115/workshop or $300 for the whole series. Click here to register. All funds beyond the cost of materials will be considered tax deductible and benefit current FoWF programs, including Green Valley Soccer Academy (serving 100+ kids); Emergency Fund (for those food insecure); Green Valley Grocery Store (accounting system); Tomor al Amal (used refrigerator for date storage).
Co-sponsored by the Lake Merritt UMC Peace in Palestine/Friends of Wadi Foquin Circle.
If you would like to submit an announcement for our weekly e-blast, please adhere to the guidelines found here. All submissions are due Wednesday by noon.