In observance of MLK Day, the church office will be closed on Monday. The office will reopen for normal office hours on Tuesday.
Food 4 Thought Begins New Study Series
February 2nd
The Food 4 Thought small group will gather on Sunday, February 2nd for a potluck supper and to begin a new 10-month study series titled “Living the Questions”. These sessions feature over 30 scholars, theologians, and other experts exploring and reflecting on various aspects of Christianity. It also includes spiritual practices, opportunities for social justice engagement, and original jazz interpretations of classic hymns. Everyone is welcome to attend, please see here for details.
Youth Gatherings
January 26th
Save the date for our upcoming youth gatherings! On January 26th, we’ll be having a pizza and mini-golf outing with the joint youth group from 12 PM to 2:30 PM. We’ll also kick off our Youth Sunday School program with a Bible & Boba series. To RSVP, please reach out to Lulu at
Children’s Choir
Starting February 2nd
Lake Merritt UMC’s Children’s Choir launches next month in February 2025! Let’s try to bring our kids every first Sunday of the month (Communion Sundays) to this exciting new monthly program, led by parent volunteers. The 20-minute choir class will take place following the Children’s Moment in worship, just prior to Godly Play/childcare. We are excited to teach and sing together the songs of our faith, and we welcome children and youth of all ages! For questions, please contact Dr. Anne Hege at or Rev. Stephanie Gameros at
LMUMC Visioning Workshops
On January 18th a team will embark on the first of two visioning workshops to help us discern God’s purpose for our church and shape our path forward (learn more here). A shared vision is the foundation for a thriving and impactful church. One way you may contribute is to write down your ideas and place them in a suggestion box located in the sanctuary. Please also hold our team and our church in your ongoing prayers.
Thank You Oakland Methodist Foundation
In the past year, we made enormous strides in improving the condition of our facility, including completing work on a new roof, exterior painting, new carpeting and wood floor refinishing, and many more projects. This work would not have been possible without more than $200,000 granted to us by the Oakland Methodist Foundation. We extend our deepest gratitude to the leadership of OMF and ask you to consider direct contributions to this important organization that supports our church and our community. Learn more at
Ways to Support Those Impacted by the Los Angeles Fires
Let us pray for our siblings impacted by the devasting fires in Los Angeles. We also pray for the firefighters, first responders, and community leaders. Here are a few ways to support financially:
1. Donate directly to the church. The funds will be used to help people who lost their homes cover immediate expenses and for the church’s eventual reconstruction. Donate here.
2. Donate to the Los Angeles Fire Recovery Fund through the UMC California Pac Conference. These funds will benefit all the Los Angeles communities suffering in the fires. Donate here.
3. Donate to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) for its disaster relief for all the California fires. Donate here.
4. Send donations of e-gift cards (amazon, target, grubhub. etc.) to These will be given to community members who lost their homes and belongings.
If you would like to submit an announcement for our weekly e-blast, please adhere to the guidelines found here. All submissions are due Wednesday by noon.