Please read ALL of the ANNOUNCEMENTS!


Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

During the Come to the Table Advent worship series, you are invited to send photos of your table and meal gatherings to Pastor Sunae at by Friday evening at 9pm.  We will share a picture presentation the following Sunday.  It will deepen our spirits as we witness our table gatherings.

Christmas Donations

This Sunday Dec. 17th and next Sunday the 24th, please bring in donations to share with our friends and neighbors who are in need. Connectional Ministries is grateful to be able to distribute your donations of socks, hats, gloves, small blankets, hand warmers, and individually wrapped chocolates. There will be designated baskets under the Christmas Tree for you to place your donations.

Christmas Pageant Invitation

Calling CHILDREN, YOUTH & ADULTS!  The Christmas Pageant this year will be during Worship on Sunday, December 24th at 10:15 AM.  All are welcome to help!  Please let Susannah Wood know if you are available: (510) 384-4905. PARENTS-especially – please let Susannah know ASAP if your child(ren) can participate.

Cookie Jars

Cookie Jars are available after worship or even Delivered if you can’t make it to church! Cost will be $10 check, cash or Venmo accepted. These make lovely Christmas or hostess gifts over the coming holidays. They are lovingly assembled by some of our youth and Children’s Ministry team.

Singing Service

Sunday, December 31st

Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 31st, when we will wrap up the Christmas Season with a Singing Service. Join us in the Stark Room at 9:30 for a simple breakfast, announcements, and prayers. We will then move into the Sanctuary at 10:15 to sing all your favorite Christmas songs!

Blue Christmas

Thursday, December 21, 6pm at Twin Towers UMC

Join us as we gather on the longest night of the year aware of the losses of life, love, and livelihood that we have experienced. We will share in hope and healing that includes a Taizé Prayer Service of candlelight, beautiful chants, and thoughtful readings.


Christmas Offering to Our Building Campaign

We are called to strengthen God’s house, our beloved LMUMC’s building.  This year, we are invited to give generously for the Christmas offering which will go toward the Building Campaign.  As you know, our goal is $50,000.  Help us achieve this goal. I know God is leading us so therefore, we can trust and follow God’s call.

Please donate by writing a check to the church (put “building campaign” on the memo line) or give online using a credit or debit card, or as a bank transfer. To give online, click HERE.  For more information follow this link.